Articles published in this theme: 52 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
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US State Public Health Agencies' Use of Twitter From 2012 to 2022: Observational Study
J Med Internet Res 2025 (Jan 03); 27:e59786
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Effects of Intervention Timing on Health-Related Fake News: Simulation Study
JMIR Form Res 2024 (Aug 07); 8:e48284
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The Journey of Engaging With Web-Based Self-Harm and Suicide Content: Longitudinal Qualitative Study
JMIR Infodemiology 2024 (Mar 28); 4:e47699
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Effective Infodemic Management: A Substantive Article of the Pandemic Accord
JMIR Infodemiology 2023 (Sep 20); 3:e51760
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