Published on in Vol 4 (2024)

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
The Use of Social Media to Express and Manage Medical Uncertainty in Dyskeratosis Congenita: Content Analysis

The Use of Social Media to Express and Manage Medical Uncertainty in Dyskeratosis Congenita: Content Analysis

The Use of Social Media to Express and Manage Medical Uncertainty in Dyskeratosis Congenita: Content Analysis


  1. Pearce E, Majid A, Brown T, Shepherd R, Rising C, Wilsnack C, Thompson A, Gilkey M, Ribisl K, Lazard A, Han P, Werner-Lin A, Hutson S, Savage S. “Crying in the Wilderness”—The Use of Web-Based Support in Telomere Biology Disorders: Thematic Analysis. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e64343 View