Articles published in 2020 in this theme: 1 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Framework for Managing the COVID-19 Infodemic: Methods and Results of an Online, Crowdsourced WHO Technical Consultation
Viroj Tangcharoensathien,
Neville Calleja,
Tim Nguyen,
Tina Purnat,
Marcelo D’Agostino,
Sebastian Garcia-Saiso,
Mark Landry,
Arash Rashidian,
Clayton Hamilton,
Abdelhalim AbdAllah,
Ioana Ghiga,
Alexandra Hill,
Daniel Hougendobler,
Judith van Andel,
Mark Nunn,
Ian Brooks,
Pier Luigi Sacco,
Manlio De Domenico,
Philip Mai,
Anatoliy Gruzd,
Alexandre Alaphilippe,
Sylvie Briand
J Med Internet Res 2020 (Jun 26); 22(6):e19659
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