JMIR Publications Announces Co-Editors for New Journal; JMIR Infodemiology

Editors Dr Tim Ken Mackey and Dr Cynthia Baur will define focus and scope of new journal 

TORONTO, April 29, 2021: JMIR Publications today announced that Dr Tim Ken Mackey, MAS, PhD and Dr Cynthia Baur, PhD will be joining JMIR Infodemiology as Co-Editors-in-Chief. 

Dr Mackey is Associate Professor at the University of California San Diego, School of Medicine, Director - Healthcare Research & Policy at the University of California San Diego - Extension, and Director at the Global Health Policy Institute.

“I’ve been in the field for a long time and am thrilled that Infodemiology now has a journal for the discipline and found a great home and portfolio of sister journals at JMIR Publications,” says Tim.

Co-Editing with Dr Mackey will be Dr Cynthia Baur, PhD. Dr Baur is a Professor at Behavioral and Community Health and Endowed Professor and Director of the Horowitz Center for Health Literacy at the University of Maryland School of Public Health.

“I was excited when approached by JMIR to be part of the Editor-in-Chief team with Tim. I hope to bring a multi-discipline approach that is intellectually interesting to digital health literacy,” says Cynthia.

“We are thrilled to have two distinguished academics as Editor-in-Chiefs who are perfectly suited to build an editorial board and to position JMIR Infodemiology as a leading new journal providing high impact articles during this time in history of disease outbreak and misinformation on the internet, and its effect on public and individual health,” says Gunther Eysenbach, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Editor at JMIR Publications. 

Calls for papers for the inaugural issue of JMIR Infodemiology are open and can be submitted through For more information about the journal, visit